The Junior Module houses our year 1 and 2 students. Their classrooms are warm and inviting, with a centrally located shared learning space that has tiered seating for presentations and whole group discussions. The classrooms are linked by a breakout room, where small focus groups can work, or students can access a quiet working space.
Classrooms in the Junior Module are equipped with Hearing Loop equipment enabling clarity of sound in all areas of the classroom, regardless of where teacher instructions are being delivered from. Interactive television screens are found in each classroom and provide opportunities for students to learn beyond the classroom.
Our students love our literacy sessions, developing their reading and writing skills. We offer a number of ways to learn through individual, partner and group work. Using personalised goals, students are catered for at their point of need to become the strongest readers they can be. We teach many writing genres, regularly linking them with our inquiry topics or special school events to boost engagement. Furthermore, we include set lessons from the ‘SMART Spelling’ program to teach spelling and extend vocabulary.
Each class follows the same numeracy lesson structure – a structure designed to get the most out of each day’s session. We begin with number fluency tasks to warm up and practise automatic recall skills. Following this, we explicitly teach and model the current skill, then hand it over to the students through a range of hands on activities and personalised tasks. Finally, students are given an opportunity to reflect on their learning. We use a mixture of materials and utilise digital technologies including interactive television screens, laptops and iPads to assist with teaching and enhance learning.
Cyber-safety is taught every year and regularly revisited as digital technologies continue to become more prevalent in society and in all areas of education. Technology is incorporated in all areas of the curriculum and used to assist teach different themes and concepts.
Each term we have a different inquiry topic covering Science, History, Geography and Personal Studies. These topics also fuel a range of exciting incursions and excursions.
Our Social and Emotional learning sessions incorporate circle time discussions and activities as well as role plays to help students develop their abilities to interact appropriately and effectively with others. We incorporate our school values of Responsibility, Excellence, Acceptance, Cooperation and Honesty in all of our lessons.