Student Leadership

Many opportunities exist for our students to develop their leadership interests and capabilities. Students in the senior years learn what it means to be an effective leader and more importantly, a good role model. 

Many student leaders and leadership teams exist throughout the school, including:

  • School Captains
  • House Captains
  • Student Representative Councillors

Waverley Meadows Primary School 2025 School Leaders:

School Captains: Keira Ternes & Wei Yuan Tan

Sustainability Captain: Yuma Shimaoka

Sustainability Team: Rafa Frahmand, Melody Hyde, Akeai Ligairi, Soroush Younesi

Library Captain: Ella Busch 

Library Team: Liam Escoto Carranza, Kosta Grigoriou, Jerry Wu, Miranda Yang

SRC Captains: Mitchy Mather & Zach Austin

House Captains:

Barton: Gavin Sandlin

Paterson: Reet Kaur

Lawson: Roy Tong

Chisholm: Violet Marks